Potency in 60 years, in men - ways to improve, the risks to health, treatment

In the course of his life for men, the sexual function takes a significant place. After 60 years of potency in the case of the representatives of the stronger sex continues unabated, the desire for intimacy is reduced, the sexual relationship is often irregular. How to repair the body? There are medications, natural remedies, and with whom an intimate relationship. Pay attention to the correct way of life, abandon bad habits, and potency restored. Important in case of problems, to the doctor, not complications wait.

increased effectiveness in 60

Sex in this age, almost takes the same place in life as in youth, has a positive effect on mood, General well-being and the Psycho-emotional state. A good potency in 60 years, not necessarily someone special.

It is important, just simple recommendations from experts and monitors your health. Let's see how the recovery of potency after 60 years, and what provokes a decrease of the male energy in this age.

How to determine whether everything is in order with potency in 60

Of course health and potency in men after 60 years, begins to deteriorate, what by decay of hormone production, the accumulated chronic diseases, decreased immunity and other problems typical for this age. In 60 there is a gradual fade almost all the functions in the body.

Sometimes, erection at this age, only occurs after increased stimulation of the erogenous zones. And Yes, it is possible to be the Norm: like in 20 years, the suggestion of some of the thoughts about the partner or explicit consideration of the photo is.

Yes, and the Penis in full erection the size that they were before. This depends with the deterioration of the blood supply to the Penis and a reduction in the substances. All of this is not indicative of erectile dysfunction. The Problem of the experts name the following factors:

  • a strong decrease of the Libido and its complete absence;
  • no erections even with good Stimulation;
  • the impossibility of carrying out the sexual intercourse because of insufficient or incomplete erections;
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the Penis and no orgasm during Sex;
  • premature ejaculation.

The Alarm sounds and immediately to a specialist to turn to at the first disturbing symptoms, the frequent detection of the problems in the genitourinary tract: painful urination, absence of erection and desire, proximity, pain during Sex, and discharge from the urethra.

What provokes a decrease in potency

According to statistics, potency at 60 years of age may decline due to a variety of external and internal factors. Not to mention the most common value are:

  • A lack of exercise;
  • chronic and acute diseases, especially of problems with blood vessels, the urogenital tract and nervous system, inflammation:
  • hormonal disorders and reduced production of testosterone;
  • frequent physical and mental fatigue;
  • Under cooling;
  • obesity and overeating;
  • bad habits, including Smoking and alcohol;
  • the lack of regular intimacy;
  • the unfavorable Situation in the family.

In some cases, potency in men after 60 years of age can achieve, without increasing the complexity. It is relaxing, balanced enough to fully feed, to move more, and stroll, take your sex life with a variety of Sex. Necessarily talk to the husband or the wife must be open to, and then sexual intimacy is "taste".

Recommendations of experts

Doctors recommend for the prevention of erectile dysfunction and recovery of potency after 60 years of simple rules to adhere to:

  1. All diseases can impair the General health, have a negative impact on the potency and Libido. Timely treatment of inflammation, viral diseases and infections, reduce the risk of complications, deterioration in potency and stability. Many of the pathology can be asymptomatic. It is, therefore, necessary, not annual pension miss investigations to the specialists. If the treatment received is precisely a Regime of administration and the dosage of the allocated funds. In the presence of any complex chronic diseases, such as Prostatitis, the doctor will tell you how to improve the potency in 60 years a safe manner.
  2. A balanced diet plays a large role in maintaining the health and potency of 60 years. In this age (and much better earlier) you should exclude from your diet fatty, fried, spicy and Junk-Food, fast-Food products, as well as food, the preservatives, fragrances, dyes. In the diet, men should be present, the products such as fresh herbs, fruits and berries, lean meat and fish, nuts, bee products, Kefir and cheese, cereals and legumes. If the analyses show a deficit in any minerals or vitamins, for the recovery of potency after 60 years, on the advice of a doctor start taking Vitamin should complex Mineral.
  3. Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse have a negative impact on Libido and potency, not only in 60, but in any age. Under the influence of harmful substances, which reduces in the blood, the quality of sperm, erection is deteriorating.
  4. Normalization of sexual life. Regular sexual acts, emotional and physical intimacy with a Partner, type of joint activities the desired effect. But long breaks can be.a very negative effect on erection and potency, in General,

Has a positive effect on the potency of the men in 60 years, moderate physical activity with maximum participation in the Training of the muscles of the pelvic region. For example, strong effect of Kegel exercises and the proper Massage of the prostate.

The treatment of erectile dysfunction

If in accordance with these recommendations, the men have yet to be resolved remained the question of how in 60 years have a good potency, you should consult a doctor for the selection of methods for the restoration of male power with the help of drugs and traditional recipes. Self-treatment in this case can only harm, because all the methods have their own characteristics, use, contraindications, and possible side effects.

Drug Treatment

Among the best drugs for potency after 60 years, the most common and men such are prescribed, such as:

  1. Homeopathic stimulants potency and the metabolic processes in the body, as well as dietary supplements. Such funds are predominantly natural composition, of at least the contraindications and possible side effects. They are soft and have a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body.
  2. Synthetic Drugs. Such drugs, it is better only after consultation with your doctor, and: you act quickly, but have a lot of contraindications and are not for everyone.
  3. Preparations for the restoration of normal metabolism and the General strengthening of the immune system. So, in many cases, improve the potency in men after 60 years, with the help of properly selected and regularly applied Vitamin and mineral complex.
  4. Hormone preparations. Sometimes the cause of erectile dysfunction – a faulty operation of the thyroid gland, insufficient production of testosterone. After delivery of all necessary analysis specialist hormone therapy selects for the restoration of equilibrium in the body of a man. Often preparations are administered with testosterone, it is in the Form of injections, tablets, patches, ointments and creams.

In some cases, to restore potency in 60 years, the men have to help antidepressants, drugs for the normalization of the emotional and mental Plan, psychotherapy. This is particularly the case for men, the fear or self-doubt, often suffer from Stress and fatigue, good enough rest in the night and in the course of the day.

Folk remedies for potency

Folk remedies for potency

While there are many medications and modern developments of medicine, popular treatment potency folk medicine for men at 60 years. Such recipes have a low cost, often are easy to prepare and act very gently on the human body. The most popular folk medicine, apply it as such:

  1. Tinctures with medicinal plants and herbs, the alcohol and vodka. So, for increasing the potency of the tincture of garlic, Ginseng, calamus, ginger.
  2. Bees products. Particularly helpful, Pollen, Royal jelly, natural liquid honey. Regular consumption of honey with nuts – a powerful stimulant of erection and procedures to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Decoctions of herbs. Chamomile, Dubrovnik, hawthorn, motherwort, Melisa, St. John's wort and many other plants, as well as their fees, not cooked mixed in the proper ratio, give the same strong effect as some medications.
  4. The consumption of certain foods as aphrodisiacs. For example, regular inclusion in the diet of home-chicken and quail eggs, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, ginger, sea fruits, garlic and onions, dried fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods will always help to stay in shape regardless of age.
  5. Jet beaver, musk deer and some other animals. It is a very valuable natural component, attributed to people's mouth almost magical properties.


Remember, only a comprehensive approach to improving your health, maintain an active lifestyle and avoiding harmful habits will help the potency in the 60s and saves it to old age. And age-related changes should not scare you – it is quite natural that the man in advanced age doesn't behave like an active sex life, as in 20 years.

Sex in 60 can also be bright on a regular basis, bring joy. It is only important to be devoted to this area of life will attract attention, bring the intimacy diversity, to monitor their health and prevent it from deterioration. And a well-balanced diet, traditional recipes and the correctly chosen drugs help a good erection and Libido.