Top 10 products potency Increase for men

On the male potency, Libido for women, only the health of the men, the relationship to the beloved, and their appearance does not affect. Different foods also affect the male body, increase sex drive and male power. What are these products? Inform you about the most of them.

Products to increase potency in men

1. Honey

The first place in the list of products that increase the male potency, takes the natural bee honey. It is desirable to include in the diet of every man, regardless of age, Temperament, and sexuality.

2. Nuts

Such products also walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios (not salted), peanut, hazelnut. A very effective aphrodisiac – nutty mixture, seasoned with a spoon of real honey. It is a useful and delicious drug and increases male potency. Nuts, plums, or sun seeds replace the flowers. This medium is recommended, about three hours before bedtime.

3. Meat

Male potency improves, of course the meat. You must a member in the nutrition of man. In reasonable quantities of meat power and energy, especially popular lamb and beef.

4. Fish and seafood

Fish also plays an important role in the diet of the male diet. Which is helpful for maintaining male potency flounder and mackerel. In the vernacular it is called "loveful fishing". You don't fry the fish, you need to cook or braise. Seafood aphrodisiacs include caviar, shrimp, mussels, crab, is especially known for the oysters.

5. Onions

Not to mention, a very ordinary garlic and onions. It is assumed that you have an almost miraculous effect on male sex hormones – almost the same as the mushrooms. It is known that fungi such as meat, significantly increase the Libido of the man.

6. Eggs

Chicken and quail eggs, which since ancient times as an effective aphrodisiac. Scrambled eggs with onions, scrambled eggs with various spices and tomatoes, the rain, the attraction of the man on the other gender.

7. Green

The green is indispensable for the maintenance of the health of men. Especially the value of celery, like root, stems, and leaves. Men are impossible to ignore, and such herbs as Basil, parsley and coriander.

8. Spices

For the preparation of the food, increase male potency, it is advisable to use a variety of spices – thyme, tarragon, St. John's wort, thyme, anise, caraway. Men food spicy, aromatic needed, with a bright flavor.

9. Milk products

Not neglected and milk products – yogurt, Kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese.

10. Fruit

Lemons and oranges increase the potency and Libido of men, of fruits yellow and orange contain high amounts of Lutein, stimulates the production of testosterone. Pomegranate not only enhances the immune system, but also increases Libido, improves potency.

Products to increase potency in men recipes


1. Garlic.Try to prepare the following highly effective potency will be improved. Take 1 kg of garlic, finely chop, mix and put in three-Liter jar. The resulting mixture, pour boiling water up to the upper edge of the can and insist, within one month, shaking daily, and shake the contents. Ready Infusion daily drink 1 teaspoon, squeezed milk. Gradually, the vessels will be the rapid blood circulation, strengthen and the whole body of the disciples. Garlic Infusion, the rates increased once in a year, the potency, prolongs youthfulness, improves the General health.

2. Onion with honey. Grated on a fine grater onion mixed with the same amount of honey. The prepared mixture is course – 1 month to take 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the evening.

Aphrodisiacs in the countries of the world

Hot Italian men believe the best products for the potency of garlic, olive oil and tomatoes. The male population of India advises all men to use a mixture consisting of chopped walnuts, sesame seeds and honey. Sesame seeds pumpkin seeds can replace (not less effective). French men hints, artichokes and snails, the Caucasus and men prefer products made of sour milk, herbs, and lamb. The southern men give the palm of figs and Oriental drink teas with herbs, saffron, cloves, and ginger. Russian men who drink in Siberia, garlic tincture, the recipe is above.

What should limit

Limit the consumption of beverages containing caffeine, as well as energy technology that is only the Illusion of male power. They are extremely harmful for the male body. Its frequent use increases the load on the heart muscle, affects the can have a negative result on the condition of the vessels and, finally, to a heart attack or thrombosis. Alcohol has a negative effect on male potency, and from it be abandoned, since alcoholism leads to impotence.

Completely useless for male potency potatoes and pasta. Back must, be made of rye-whole grain, contains B-vitamins products such as sausages, sausages and sausages, and in any case harmful for the male potency.

The right diet, frequent stay in the fresh air, the sports – reliable allies, to the preservation of masculinity. Lead an active lifestyle, often in the nature, eat well and stay healthy!