In spite of the existing standards and indicators, what should be the size of the Penis, there are men who are still dissatisfied with their parameters. No wonder that many people are concerned about the question — how to enlarge his Penis at home?
Surgical interventions are only allowed for serious reasons. And on this ground will begin to find all kinds of ways. In fact, methods and technologies for the self-employed strain a lot, the main thing is to get the most suitable method.
Whether the Penis at home?
The first thing to ask men to increase whether it is possible Penis alternatives because, without the plastics and surgery.
Medical specialists offer a lot of different techniques, which work according to the following principle:
- Stretching of the corpora cavernosa and the cavernous body of Phallus substances, the provider is responsible for the size of the organ during erection;
- the increase in blood flow is needed to maintain the erection of the Penis;
- Strengthening erectile functions and increase Libido, the influence on the sexual activity of men in General.
It is worth noting that the size of the Penis live at all, no impact on the sexual lives of men in General, and on his reproductive health.
Other question, if the Problem is in the head, if the size of the institution provoked the appearance of the complex and self-doubt. In this case, in the case of a man suffering from erectile dysfunction psychogenic etiologies may develop.
How many inches you can make your Penis at home?
On some pages there is information about the fact that it is possible to raise the body up to 5 cm in diameter and in length.
The end result is depends on several factors:
- The physiological and individual characteristics – if a man is prone to the rapid growth, and sex organ will grow more important in the use of different ways;
- Endurance – process of the elongation of the fabric is not fast, so you have to endurance, show, and spend a lot of time, in order to achieve results;
- Classification – the selection of the methodology should address the process at regular intervals. Sometimes turns out to be the sex organ of 1-2 cm increase, but it is noticeable performance.
Attention! The most effective methods to increase the length of the Penis are the techniques of surgery. Other ways to guarantee a profit of no more than 2-4 cm
Exercises for penis enlargement
To enlarge the Penis, you can special exercises. The exercises are suitable for men, the contraindicated, the application of the various agents on the Penis, to avoid allergic reactions.
Productive than 3 exercises, each of which we consider in more detail.
The easiest way to enlarge Penis at home – stretch. It's pretty simple, should be the Penis as you take a behind-the-head-and-drag. Preferably, the method results in different angles. The force of the impact is important not to increase evenly and smoothly, so as not to hurt the fabric. The exercise will be recommended routes to reach 10-15 minutes, only under this condition possible a result.
For this exercise the Penis in a state of small excitation must lead to. The essence of the method consists in the fact that the Penis is pulled back, down and back, and then the man sits on him. Such an exercise allows you to increase the base of the sexual organ, and increase the size in diameter. The mechanism of action consists in the increase of pressure on the cavernous body.
This exercise also requires a partial erections. You bend the Penis in different directions, there is no pain you should feel, therefore, pay attention to your sensations. If Manipulation provide strong discomfort, then this exercise must stop immediately. The next time, bending you should be more careful in order to avoid tissue damage.
Special Outdoor Tools, Penis, increase reach, can be developed, the the result in house conditions without harm to the body. In the composition of the organic components that contains virtually no contraindications for men.
Mechanism of action of a lubricant, there are 3 types:
- Quickly after the application of funds in accordance with the instructions of the Penis rises to a few inches, be applied, you need to immediately before intercourse.
- Gels to increase the Phallus, drugs apply of such a plan for several months in a row, the cumulative effect to achieve.
- Tools are in addition to other methods, for example, to the exercises, they serve to change the length and thickness of the Penis.
The application of a lubricant is considered to be a secure method to enlarge Penis. But before applying you need to with the instructions, contraindications and possible side effects.
Penis Enlargement Folk Medicine
In addition to exercises, and special or other external funding, the Penis in folk medicine, can be enlarged.
The first place back to normal food and Soda, also helps herbal medicine resources on the Basis of herbs and medicinal plants as a topically and orally in the Form of Infusion and decoction.
Sodium bicarbonate
Baking powder is sold in any store and is inexpensive, therefore, the procedures, its use is not only effective, but very Budget.
- Compresses with Soda. For the preparation should mix baking soda with honey and apply on the whole length of the Penis, with the exception of the head;
- Baths with a solution of Soda. With their help, you can improve blood circulation and prevent the development of inflammation. Procedure it is recommended that prior to the sexual act, previously reached the erection;
- Peeling on the Basis of Soda. The Peeling not only increases the sexual organ, but also has a preventive effect, prevents the development of urological diseases. Manipulation should only after a hot shower, at the end of it is important, on the Penis with your moisturizer;
- Massage with application of Soda ash. First on the component to be applied to basic or contained olive oil, baking powder and continue to Massage with a soft sponge within 5 minutes. Then wait 2 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
Pay attention to the composition of the food Supplement for the penis enlargement, which are in the composition of the grasses in the situation, such a result. Experts identify the following plants for an increase in the length and thickness of the Phallus:
- Epimedium – Korean gorjanka for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and homeopathic on the penis size of the man. The main active ingredient in the plant – Icariin, which expands the blood vessels and the cavernous bodies of the Penis, strengthens the erection.
- Ginseng – a proven remedy that increases the flow of blood in the cavernous body of the Penis. Already after the first application of intense Penis fills with blood, and thus the thickness and length increased.
- Eurycoma dinality Peruvian Ginseng, which also restores impaired erectile function by increasing blood flow to the tissues of the Penis. In addition, the plant increases the volume of semen in men, and Libido.
Pills and supplements for penis enlargement
Sex organ increase to home you can) even with the help of drugs that may be synthetic and natural (nutritional Supplement. The Mechanisms of their action is most often from a in the enhancement of blood circulation and the blood circulation in the tissues of the Penis, resulting in increased natural way.
The Chinese pills – today the most popular medicine for penis enlargement, core is Chinese Ginseng. This substance increases the stamina of the organism and protection functions, raises the tone of the tissue and the skin, but also increases the blood circulation. Thanks, of course, application of the cumulative effect contributes to the enlargement of the organ.
Dietary supplements – the medicines are on the basis of vegetable components and vitamins, the better in combination with other methods.
Good food supplements containing the following active ingredients:
- Wheat germ oil – this product contains selenium and zinc, building materials synthesis of testosterone.
- Vitamin Eis an antioxidant that is an important substance for the reproductive health of men, be homeopathic to the elasticity and extensibility of the tissues of the Penis, and also improves the potency and Libido.
- Pumpkin seeds contain zinc and are an indispensable Regulator of the reproductive function.
Other methods of penis enlargement
You can change the volume and length of the Penis with the help of special nozzles, pumps and extenders can.
This device looks like a pump, its principle of operation guarantees a increased potency, erection and improvement of the quality of sexual life of the man in addition to the increase in the size of the institution. But the main thing is that the pump helps men to achieve an erection and of erectile dysfunction by the vacuum, which causes blood to the cavernous body.
Apply the vacuum pump must be made in the following manner:
- A member of cream, then sprayed into the cylinder of the device;
- from the cylinder air pressure on the Organ pumped, whereby;
- Pressure enhances the blood circulation, thereby increasing the length and thickness of the Penis;
- the built-in pressure gauge regulates the pressure on a body;
- you use the pump before intercourse.
The result, promises the pump, actually, temporarily, therefore, use the men with erectile dysfunction and small size as an auxiliary device.
Extender is a special Design to attach sexual Organ for the increase in its length and thickness, as well as to minimize the curvature. Its effect consists in a strong tension of the tissues and prolonged exposure. Thanks to these cells the corpora cavernosa start to divide and proliferate.
Extender is the only device that has a long therapeutic result. Doctors approve its use for the alignment of the; authority and increasing its size. The main thing is that it was under the supervision of a specialist, because the method poses high risks of injury.
Extenders come in different forms – looped, vacuum, and fires. The most comfortable and effective belt and vacuum fixtures, looped are much lower. You use the device should be every day for several hours, as usual, only the body are to stretch, Extender, tight for a new chain tensioner.
Products for the big cock
A balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining the health and full functioning of the sexual organs of the man. For increasing the size of Penis naturally the following products should be in the diet:
- Watermelon – components-berries, strengthen blood circulation, including local blood circulation in the tissue of the Penis.
- Protein – Protein is responsible for the testosterone level, and the growth of muscle tissue, so the person should be regularly consumed to be Protein products, especially meat, cheese, eggs, and milk.
- Nuts and seeds are the source of large quantities of nutrients, vitamins, promote the synthesis of testosterone.
- Seafood , particularly oysters, aphrodisiacs, contain the necessary men zinc, the testosterone levels and their sexual abilities.
- The greens – especially spinach, celery, parsley, the also increase testosterone and strengthen the health in General.
Good stimulant of sexual functions as plant oils, herbal teas, as well as bitter chocolate, berries, fresh Can and fruit, pumpkin seeds.
In fact, the increase in the size of the Penis at home without surgery with the help of doctors is not a myth but a reality and a result of regular, hard work. Man should pick up complex techniques, from those described in the article, according to which systematic implementation of all the recommendations, get rid of track of your daily menus, and way of life, of bad habits Not the hope for a quick and impressive results, as the profit of a member of more than 3-4 cm to the available parameters, only the plastic surgery, but non-conservative methods.